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UEM Scholarship 2nd Stage Interview

Alhamdulillah, I was also called for the 2nd stage interview. Like always, I became very anxious because I wouldn't say that there were no entries for the 2nd stage experience but they lack important details and content. I actually stumbled upon a forum and ask a past scholar about the interview. The funny thing is that this person replied to me 3 hours before I came to the venue. I gratefully thank him as it was just what I needed, direct and detailed. It was around 1 o'clock in afternoon when I arrived little early at the venue, the opposite of Mercu UEM has a so I decided to head out and had lunch lunch before going inside  the building. I had 2-3 bananas for lunch as nothing appealed to me there and had a terrible stomach ache later on until the evening when I was heading home😓 Let that be a lesson to all future candidates. After that I went to the 8th floor of Mercu UEM for Zuhur prayers. I stated that so future candidates can perform their salat befo...

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UEM Scholarship 1st Stage Interview